
UP-Coming Dances and Events

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KSD is NOT dancing on Friday, February 3, 2023!  Please do not show up at the rec center and then call me asking where we are.  We do not have the hall.  This has happened before! Face with rolling eyes

February Dances:  **Note date of first dance.  This the 2nd Friday, not first.

February 10**
 – Sweet Heart Dance with Shawn and Aneesa. 

 February 17 – Mardi Gras Dance with Shawn and Aneesa.

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Up-Coming Dances for January and February

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January Dances:

         January 20 - Swinging 60's Notes Dance Hits with Shawn and Aneesa.

February Dances:  **Note date of first dance.  This the 2nd Friday, not first.

        February 10** - Sweet Heart Dance with Shawn and Aneesa. 

        February 17 - Mardi Gras Dance with Shawn and Aneesa.

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January 2023 Schedule

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KSD WILL BE DANCING AT THE KENNESAW RECREATION CENTER IN KENNESAW. We dance on the first and third and fifth Friday nights of each month. Our dances are from 7:00 – 9:00 and we charge $7.00 per visitor.

JANUARY 6 – 2023 Kickoff with Shawn Butler and Aneesa Barge.

JANUARY 20 – Swinging 60’s with Shawn Butler and Aneesa Barge.

COME Dance with us!

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